"Controversy rises again (among inhabitants and Korea Federation For Environmental Movement) over the Garorim Gulf Tidal Energy Power Plant Plan"
There is no doubt that the Tae-ann Gulf oil spillage incident still lingers in the minds of Koreans today. Though the spillage did a great harm to the ecological environment of the gulf, it was a very moving couple of months to see the tens and thousands of people working together voluntarily to clean the contaminated areas. I was personally awed by this view. However this time it looks like government policy and a group of local residents and related companies undermining the once peaceful county of Tae-ann. I don’t think the construction of the tidal power plant itself is the problem here, but the non-existence of interactive communication and collaboration in figuring out a way to conserve common wealth. There is no doubt that Tae-ann Gulf is a wonderful home to many sea and land creatures. The gulf is where birds and sea creatures lay their eggs and find food. In another words, it plays a key role in sustaining the cycle of the ecological system of Tae-an; a cycle in which it includes us human beings, too. I am also aware of the fact that this well-preserved sandbar also helps self-purification of the sea water. Nevertheless it is rather surprising to see how the central ministry disregards a more constructive and sustainable approach towards this plan and the local residents remaining in conflict despite the degradation of common wealth. Hopefully the interest groups look further into what they are doing and what the consequences are. I will try to keep the class updated about this issue which is quite an important one concerning all sectors of the society.
Pro-inhabitants say “ASAP!”, Cons calls for “A Complete rescind”
Pros; the central government should not hesitate to fire away and make themselves clear. No intention to go against government plans as long as remuneration follows.
Cons; It is a project seeking only temporal interest and ignorant of sustainable common wealth of the harbor. It is not economically proficient nor is it any good for the environment.
Those of the local residents of the damage district who stand pro to the government’s new energy industry plan criticized the ministries’ reluctant attitude in carrying on the plans and made it clear that they have nothing against government plans as long as it promises them remuneration in advance and listens to the voice of inhabitants. Conflict among two parties seem inevitable as residents opposed to government plans and environment associations criticized the opposite party for its irresponsible attitude towards common resource and claimed that this project will only be a wasteful deed.
On Feb 10, the conference opened with 20 related personage from the ministry of land and marine, the ministry of information and economics, the Garorim Gulf tidal energy plant company associates and local residents gathered at the Seo-san Fisheries co-op convention hall (서산수협회의실) Tae-ann County Chungnam.
This meeting was organized under mutual consent city council of Seo-san City and the county of Tae-ann along with 15 local fisheries for questions and answers related to the construction of the tidal energy plant.
However the conference was held with a rusty start; six fisheries informed they do not intend to participate due to the fact that there were no participants from the ministries that were high enough in position to exercise any influence in ministerial decision.
Local residents blamed the central ministries for their reluctant attitude towards the power plant project (which is namely a project driven by national policy) and thus evoking chaos among the county members.
One of the members of the fisheries fraction added that the government must make an early compensation for the local fishers and inhabitants in case the impact of the construction on the environment is underestimated.
A government employee from the ministry of information and economics explained that this project is to be carried on by the central ministries and the government’s national energy policy, and pleaded the power plant company and local residents reach an agreement though adequate consultation.
Another government employee from the ministry of land and marine made it clear that the ministry has no authority to propel the plans without the cooperation of each interest group, and emphasized the central ministry to accommodate the voice of the nation and closely analyze the environmental consequences the project could bring.
The head director of the Garorim Tidal Energy Power Plant company promised the local groups speedy remuneration as soon as they start to make serious arrangements dealing with the construction. A manager of the construction company added that a full four seasonal census and examination of the area is a must in order to come up with a fixed amount of compensation, thus whilst the examination is fully done the company is willing to staying in touch with the local representatives.
There were also remarks on the incentives the company is expecting to receive since the power plant construction will promote tourism and reduction of CO2 discharge, and how the company is going to return its profits to the society. Big companies like Lotte Construction and Posco will be participating in the further development of the area.
However opposing local residents strongly assisted that all interest groups put environmental conservation first in their list of priorities. One stated that temporal compensation is not promising, and the locals should preserve the area for the sake of future generations.
He also appealed to the pros with the fact that the power plant construction will simply damage their inherited land and lose what they did for a living.
The Tae-ann environmental association claimed that Garorim is the only and largest sandbank left in the nation, and its value is cannot be overrun by money.
They also reminded that it is a global trend to avoid constructing dams due to its negative effects. They informed that it will be ridiculous to construct a tidal power plant which can only produce as much as 2.8% of what Tae-ann’s thermal power station is producing at the moment.
And also added that it is naïve for locals and related interest groups to expect tourism to develop in the future due to the construction of the power plant. The famous tidal energy plant site of Lans in France was a popular tourist site way before it was chosen as a construction site.
[original version]
“중앙부처는 일부 왜곡된 목소리에 흔들리지 말고 사업 추진 입장 명확히 하라. 적절한 선 보상 이뤄진다면 반대할 의사 없다.”
“항구적 공익 무시한 단기적 사익 불과하고, 경제적 타당성도 부족한 사업 환경파괴하며 추진해야 할 이유 없다.”
정부가 신재생에너지 산업의 일환으로 추진하고 있는 충남 태안군 이원면 내리와 서산시 대산읍 오지리 일대 들어서게 될 가로림만 조력발전소와 관련해 찬성하는 의사를 표한 일부 피해지역주민들이 중앙부처의 사업추진 의지 꼬집으며, 선 보상 등 주민요구 사항만 받아들인다면 반대할 의사가 없다고 밝힌 반면, 반대측 주민과 환경단체 등은 공익을 무시하고 사익을 채우기 위한 경제적 타당성 없는 환경파괴 사업이라고 비난하는 등 양측이 팽팽하게 맞서고 있어 향후 마찰이 빚어질 전망이다.
지난 10일. 충남 태안군 서산수협 회의실에서 국토해양부와 지식경제부, 가로림만 조력발전소㈜ 등 관련실무자와 지역주민 등 20여명이 참석한 가운데 토론회를 열었다.
이날 토론회는 조력발전소 건설과 관련한 주민들의 의문사항에 대해 관련부처와 시행사로부터 질의응답을 통한 설명을 듣고자 서산시와 태안군 등 15개 어촌계의 합의로 이뤄졌다.
허나 반대 입장을 표한 6개 어촌계가 관련부처 차관급 이상 인사의 참석을 요구했으나 받아들여지지 않자 불참을 통보, 찬성하는 입장의 9개 어촌계와 주민 등만이 참석한 가운데 반쪽자리 토론회를 이어갔다.
토론회에 참석한 주민들은 중앙부처의 사업추진 의지를 꼬집으며 “국가시책으로 추진되는 사업에 관련부처가 모호한 자세를 취해 주민들의 혼란만을 야기해 주민들끼리 갈등만 증폭시키고 있다”고 비난하며 사업에 박차를 가해줄 것을 요구했다.
태안군 김진묵 삼동어촌계장은 “중앙부처가 사업진행 의지에 적극성이 떨어진다”며 “사업추진여부에 대한 확고한 의지를 실무자는 밝히고 일을 추진해 나가라”고 주문했다.
또한, 그는 “시행사는 환경영향평가 결과가 지역주민들의 예상 피해액보다 적게 사정될 수 있으므로 착공에 앞서 선 보상 해줘야 한다”고 덧붙였다.
강도 높은 발언도 이어졌다. 한 주민은 “서산시 모 읍장이 지역 이장이 모인자리와 민방위 교육장에서 반대운동을 독려했다”며 “공무원이 나서서 반대운동을 펼치고 있는데 중앙부처는 이에 적극 대처하고, 일부 왜곡된 목소리에 귀 기울이지마라”고 말했다.
이에 대해 지식경제부 김종성 사무관은 “정부의 국가에너지 정책과 중앙부처의 중, 단기 사업으로 조력발전소이 추진되고 있다”며 “시행사와 주민들 사이에 충분한 협의를 거쳐 원활히 진행되길 바란다”고 답했다.
이어 국토해양부 김정화 사무관은 “중앙부처가 지자체에 입장을 이래라 저래라 할 권한은 없으며, 밀어붙이기식으로 일을 진행할 수도 없다. 서산시는 찬반의견이 서로 반반인 것으로 전해 들었다”며 “중앙정부는 전체국민의 입장을 고려하고 환경영향도 따져봐야 한다”고 말했다.
선보상과 관련해 서현교 가로림만조력발전㈜ 사장은 “피해보상과 관련해서는 약정을 체결하면서 합의될 사항으로 가급적 빠른 보상이 이뤄지도록 하겠다”고 밝혔으며, 최병희 한국서부발전㈜ 가로림만 토건기술팀장은 “피해보상금을 사정하기 위해서는 최소 사계절을 조사해봐야 한다. 또한 그 이외의 절차도 수개월이 걸리므로 이 기간동안 시행사가 피해를 감소하기는 어렵다”며 “피해액수가 사정되기 전에 보상금을 지급할 수 없다. 대표단과 약정을 체결하면서 합의를 거쳐 문제를 해결해 보자”고 답했다.
조력발전소 건설에 따른 관광사업화와 이산화탄소 배출량을 줄이므로 발생하는 기업 인센티브의 지역사회환원 대한 질문도 이어져 박현씨는 “프랑스 랑스와 같이 조력발전소의 관광사업화 계획이 있는지 여부와 이산화탄소의 배출량을 줄이는 기업에 대해 정부의 인센티브를 지역사회에 환원할 계획이 있는지”를 물었다.
이에 서 사장은 “조력 발전소사업을 위해 한국서부발전㈜, 대우건설, 롯데건설, 포스코 등이 참여해 가로림만조력발전㈜ 법인을 설립했다”며 “이 가운데 롯데건설이 관광사업의 목적으로 사업에 참여했고 기본 계획(안)까지 마련된 것으로 알고 있다”고 답했다.
허나 “이산화탄소 배출량의 감소에 따른 기업 인센티브의 지역사회환원에 대해서는 대표단을 구성해 논의하자”고 덧붙였다.
한편, 이날 토론회의 소식이 전해지자 그동안 조력발전소 건설을 반대해 온 주민들과 환경단체 등이 찬성측을 비난하며 반발했다.
가로림만 조력발전 건설 백지화 추쟁위원회 박정섭씨는 “보상 몇 푼 받아야 몇 년이나 생활할 수 있겠냐”며 “다음세대 물려줄 소중한 재산을 밥 그릇 챙기자고 팔수는 없는 일이다. 환경을 지키는 것이 최우선”이라고 말했다.
이어 그는 “시행사는 보상금을 내세워 지역주민들을 현혹하고 있지만 보상금도 시행사가 고용한 용역조사 기관이 사정한 피해액”이라며 “조력 발전소 건설로 조상으로부터 물려받은 삶의 터전을 잃고 어민 생계에 지장을 줄 수 있는 점을 찬성하는 주민들이 알아줬으면 한다.”고 밝혔다.
서산, 태안환경연합 관계자도 “조력 발전소 건설에 찬성하는 것은 항구적 공익을 무시한 단기적 사익에 불가하다”며 “가로림만은 국내에 유일하게 남은 최대 갯벌지역으로 그 가치는 돈으로 값을 매길 수 없을 만큼 소중한 재산”이라고 주장했다.
또, “댐 건설로 인해 발생한 여러 문제점으로 인해 세계적으로도 댐 건설은 지양하고 있는 추세”라며 “하물며 발전량이 태안화력의 2.8%인 조력발전소 건설을 추진하는 것은 세계적인 웃음거리일 뿐”이라고 말했다.
이어 그는 “프랑스의 랑스와 같이 조력발전소 건설로 지역의 관광지화를 찬성측 주민들이 기대하고 있지만, 이는 국내 사정을 모르고 하는 말”이라며 “랑스는 이미 국제적인 휴양지로 유명해진 이후 필요해 의해 조력발전소를 건설한 것”이라고 밝혔다.
끝으로 그는 “조력발전소는 태안화력의 추가 증설을 위한 전초 단계로 사업이 실시될 경우 수 년안에 지역주민들은 화석연료 사용으로 인한 피해를 보게 될 것”이라며 조력발전소의 전면 백지화를 주장했다.
[late submission- didn't realize that I missed the first blog post!] 1. Young Hui Na 2. Brave leap towards ecological modernization plans 3. Although it is still short of the environmentalist expectations, Japan decided to voluntarily restrict its greenhouse gases, despite worries to the possible damage to its economy. It seems that Japan realized that the environment versus development debate will go on eternally in a parallel, and decided to take more aggressive yet wise plan to combine those two. Although the self-imposed strain will be burdensome at first, the plan will nonetheless make Japan a new pioneer for the ecologically sustainable future, since it is already intent to invest heavily on the relevant research. Despite much of the fallacies that Japan has committed in the past, the kind of decisive action that looks towards the future, which will undoubtedly place Japan once again as the pioneer of the world economy (as well as environment preservation), makes me envious.
4.TOKYO — Japan, a major emitter of greenhouse gases and an important player in the global warming debate, announced Wednesday that by 2020 it intended to reduce emissions 15 percent from 2005 levels — a goal immediately criticized as inadequate by environmentalists and industry officials.
Climate-change campaigners have called on Japan to set steep targets to build momentum before global climate talks this year in Copenhagen. A strong commitment by rich countries is seen as crucial to efforts to persuade emerging economic giants like China and India to make emissions reductions.
Japan’s new target, announced by Prime Minister Taro Aso in a televised news conference, would put its 2020 emission levels just 8 percent below its 1990 levels. That is not much more, environmentalists say, than the 6 percent cut by 2012 that Tokyo committed to under the Kyoto Protocol created in 1990. Japan has struggled to meet that target; its greenhouse gas emissions have risen 9 percent from 1990 levels.
Still, Mr. Aso called Japan’s new target “ambitious.”
“We are all responsible for stopping climate change,” Mr. Aso said. “We must ask the Japanese people to make sacrifices. That is the cost of saving our planet.”
Mr. Aso has been keen to assert leadership in climate change ahead of national elections this year.
The European Union has promised to cut emissions to a level 20 percent lower than levels in 1990, and by 30 percent if other wealthy nations follow suit.
In the United States, which did not sign the Kyoto pact, a bill that would reduce emissions by 17 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels recently cleared a Congressional panel. That would be about 6 percent below 1990 levels.
Japan emits less relative to its total output than other major economies. Though Japan has the second largest economy, behind the United States, it ranks fifth in global emissions rankings, trailing the United States, China, Russia and India.
But critics say there is more to be done.
“Japan’s target is not nearly enough to stop the effects of global warming,” said Naoyuki Yamagishi, the head of the climate change program at the environmental advocacy group WWF Japan. “Japan has failed to step up to its international responsibilities,” he said.
Kristian Tangen, a director at Point Carbon, a research and consulting company based in Oslo, said Japan’s goals were “the weakest target any country has pledged so far.”
Japanese businesses argue that their factories are already among the world’s most energy-efficient and that the country will struggle to cut greenhouse gas emissions further. Since the oil shocks of the 1970s, Japanese companies have pursued technologies that save energy, a drive that has made the country a leader in alternative energy.
Industry leaders also warn that stringent targets for emissions reductions would hurt the frail economy. Japan is in its worst recession since World War II, amid a collapse in global demand for its exports. Last month, industry groups took out a full-page advertisement in the largest daily paper in Japan, warning that steep targets for emissions reductions could hurt economic growth.
“The midterm targets need to be fair to all countries, realistic, and place equal burden on a country’s citizens,” the Keidanren, the largest business lobby in Japan, said in a statement on Tuesday. The lobby had backed a target that would have allowed for a 4 percent increase in emissions from 1990, or a 4 percent decrease compared with 2005.
Mr. Aso was quick to point out that unlike targets set under the Kyoto Protocol, which allowed countries to use emissions offsets and other methods, the 15 percent decrease would come from actual cuts. The government recently introduced subsidies that encourage the use of solar power in Japanese homes, as well as incentives on low-emission cars.
The 15 percent target, he stressed, was a compromise he had reached after consulting extensively with scientists and economists, as well as with members of the public.
To meet the target, Japan will pursue breakthroughs in environmental technology, as well as expand the use of nuclear energy. Mr. Aso has said Tokyo aims to expand solar output by a factor of 20 and put more “green” cars on Japanese roads.
Meanwhile, Mr. Aso said it was imperative for countries that had not signed the Kyoto Protocol, like the United States and China, to join in the next round of talks. The Kyoto pact covered countries responsible for just 29 percent of global emissions, he said.
Tsutomu Toichi, head of the Institute of Energy Economics, an independent research organization, said Japan would struggle to meet its new emissions goals.
“Japan’s target is a compromise, but it’s still a tough one for Japan to meet,” Mr. Toichi said. “Japanese companies are already extremely energy efficient, so there’s much less room for improvement.”
Makiko Inoue and Yasuko Kamiizumi contributed reporting from Tokyo; James Kanter contributed reporting from Brussels.
A very down to earth* kind of guy. I'm an environmental sociologist interested in establishing material and organizational sustainability worldwide. I'm always looking for interesting materials/technologies, inspiring ideas, or institutional examples of sustainability to inspire others to recognize their choices now. To be fatalistic about an unsustainable world is a sign of a captive mind, given all our options.
*(If "earth" is defined in a planetary sense, concerning comparative historical knowledge and interest in the past 10,000 years or so anywhere...) See both blogs.
Youngone Suh
ReplyDelete"Controversy rises again (among inhabitants and Korea Federation For Environmental Movement) over the Garorim Gulf Tidal Energy Power Plant Plan"
There is no doubt that the Tae-ann Gulf oil spillage incident still lingers in the minds of Koreans today. Though the spillage did a great harm to the ecological environment of the gulf, it was a very moving couple of months to see the tens and thousands of people working together voluntarily to clean the contaminated areas. I was personally awed by this view. However this time it looks like government policy and a group of local residents and related companies undermining the once peaceful county of Tae-ann. I don’t think the construction of the tidal power plant itself is the problem here, but the non-existence of interactive communication and collaboration in figuring out a way to conserve common wealth. There is no doubt that Tae-ann Gulf is a wonderful home to many sea and land creatures. The gulf is where birds and sea creatures lay their eggs and find food. In another words, it plays a key role in sustaining the cycle of the ecological system of Tae-an; a cycle in which it includes us human beings, too. I am also aware of the fact that this well-preserved sandbar also helps self-purification of the sea water. Nevertheless it is rather surprising to see how the central ministry disregards a more constructive and sustainable approach towards this plan and the local residents remaining in conflict despite the degradation of common wealth. Hopefully the interest groups look further into what they are doing and what the consequences are. I will try to keep the class updated about this issue which is quite an important one concerning all sectors of the society.
Pro-inhabitants say “ASAP!”, Cons calls for “A Complete rescind”
Pros; the central government should not hesitate to fire away and make themselves clear. No intention to go against government plans as long as remuneration follows.
Cons; It is a project seeking only temporal interest and ignorant of sustainable common wealth of the harbor. It is not economically proficient nor is it any good for the environment.
Those of the local residents of the damage district who stand pro to the government’s new energy industry plan criticized the ministries’ reluctant attitude in carrying on the plans and made it clear that they have nothing against government plans as long as it promises them remuneration in advance and listens to the voice of inhabitants. Conflict among two parties seem inevitable as residents opposed to government plans and environment associations criticized the opposite party for its irresponsible attitude towards common resource and claimed that this project will only be a wasteful deed.
On Feb 10, the conference opened with 20 related personage from the ministry of land and marine, the ministry of information and economics, the Garorim Gulf tidal energy plant company associates and local residents gathered at the Seo-san Fisheries co-op convention hall (서산수협회의실) Tae-ann County Chungnam.
This meeting was organized under mutual consent city council of Seo-san City and the county of Tae-ann along with 15 local fisheries for questions and answers related to the construction of the tidal energy plant.
However the conference was held with a rusty start; six fisheries informed they do not intend to participate due to the fact that there were no participants from the ministries that were high enough in position to exercise any influence in ministerial decision.
Local residents blamed the central ministries for their reluctant attitude towards the power plant project (which is namely a project driven by national policy) and thus evoking chaos among the county members.
One of the members of the fisheries fraction added that the government must make an early compensation for the local fishers and inhabitants in case the impact of the construction on the environment is underestimated.
A government employee from the ministry of information and economics explained that this project is to be carried on by the central ministries and the government’s national energy policy, and pleaded the power plant company and local residents reach an agreement though adequate consultation.
Another government employee from the ministry of land and marine made it clear that the ministry has no authority to propel the plans without the cooperation of each interest group, and emphasized the central ministry to accommodate the voice of the nation and closely analyze the environmental consequences the project could bring.
The head director of the Garorim Tidal Energy Power Plant company promised the local groups speedy remuneration as soon as they start to make serious arrangements dealing with the construction. A manager of the construction company added that a full four seasonal census and examination of the area is a must in order to come up with a fixed amount of compensation, thus whilst the examination is fully done the company is willing to staying in touch with the local representatives.
There were also remarks on the incentives the company is expecting to receive since the power plant construction will promote tourism and reduction of CO2 discharge, and how the company is going to return its profits to the society. Big companies like Lotte Construction and Posco will be participating in the further development of the area.
However opposing local residents strongly assisted that all interest groups put environmental conservation first in their list of priorities. One stated that temporal compensation is not promising, and the locals should preserve the area for the sake of future generations.
He also appealed to the pros with the fact that the power plant construction will simply damage their inherited land and lose what they did for a living.
The Tae-ann environmental association claimed that Garorim is the only and largest sandbank left in the nation, and its value is cannot be overrun by money.
They also reminded that it is a global trend to avoid constructing dams due to its negative effects. They informed that it will be ridiculous to construct a tidal power plant which can only produce as much as 2.8% of what Tae-ann’s thermal power station is producing at the moment.
And also added that it is naïve for locals and related interest groups to expect tourism to develop in the future due to the construction of the power plant. The famous tidal energy plant site of Lans in France was a popular tourist site way before it was chosen as a construction site.
[original version]
“중앙부처는 일부 왜곡된 목소리에 흔들리지 말고 사업 추진 입장 명확히 하라. 적절한 선 보상 이뤄진다면 반대할 의사 없다.”
“항구적 공익 무시한 단기적 사익 불과하고, 경제적 타당성도 부족한 사업 환경파괴하며 추진해야 할 이유 없다.”
정부가 신재생에너지 산업의 일환으로 추진하고 있는 충남 태안군 이원면 내리와 서산시 대산읍 오지리 일대 들어서게 될 가로림만 조력발전소와 관련해 찬성하는 의사를 표한 일부 피해지역주민들이 중앙부처의 사업추진 의지 꼬집으며, 선 보상 등 주민요구 사항만 받아들인다면 반대할 의사가 없다고 밝힌 반면, 반대측 주민과 환경단체 등은 공익을 무시하고 사익을 채우기 위한 경제적 타당성 없는 환경파괴 사업이라고 비난하는 등 양측이 팽팽하게 맞서고 있어 향후 마찰이 빚어질 전망이다.
지난 10일. 충남 태안군 서산수협 회의실에서 국토해양부와 지식경제부, 가로림만 조력발전소㈜ 등 관련실무자와 지역주민 등 20여명이 참석한 가운데 토론회를 열었다.
이날 토론회는 조력발전소 건설과 관련한 주민들의 의문사항에 대해 관련부처와 시행사로부터 질의응답을 통한 설명을 듣고자 서산시와 태안군 등 15개 어촌계의 합의로 이뤄졌다.
허나 반대 입장을 표한 6개 어촌계가 관련부처 차관급 이상 인사의 참석을 요구했으나 받아들여지지 않자 불참을 통보, 찬성하는 입장의 9개 어촌계와 주민 등만이 참석한 가운데 반쪽자리 토론회를 이어갔다.
토론회에 참석한 주민들은 중앙부처의 사업추진 의지를 꼬집으며 “국가시책으로 추진되는 사업에 관련부처가 모호한 자세를 취해 주민들의 혼란만을 야기해 주민들끼리 갈등만 증폭시키고 있다”고 비난하며 사업에 박차를 가해줄 것을 요구했다.
태안군 김진묵 삼동어촌계장은 “중앙부처가 사업진행 의지에 적극성이 떨어진다”며 “사업추진여부에 대한 확고한 의지를 실무자는 밝히고 일을 추진해 나가라”고 주문했다.
또한, 그는 “시행사는 환경영향평가 결과가 지역주민들의 예상 피해액보다 적게 사정될 수 있으므로 착공에 앞서 선 보상 해줘야 한다”고 덧붙였다.
강도 높은 발언도 이어졌다. 한 주민은 “서산시 모 읍장이 지역 이장이 모인자리와 민방위 교육장에서 반대운동을 독려했다”며 “공무원이 나서서 반대운동을 펼치고 있는데 중앙부처는 이에 적극 대처하고, 일부 왜곡된 목소리에 귀 기울이지마라”고 말했다.
이에 대해 지식경제부 김종성 사무관은 “정부의 국가에너지 정책과 중앙부처의 중, 단기 사업으로 조력발전소이 추진되고 있다”며 “시행사와 주민들 사이에 충분한 협의를 거쳐 원활히 진행되길 바란다”고 답했다.
이어 국토해양부 김정화 사무관은 “중앙부처가 지자체에 입장을 이래라 저래라 할 권한은 없으며, 밀어붙이기식으로 일을 진행할 수도 없다. 서산시는 찬반의견이 서로 반반인 것으로 전해 들었다”며 “중앙정부는 전체국민의 입장을 고려하고 환경영향도 따져봐야 한다”고 말했다.
선보상과 관련해 서현교 가로림만조력발전㈜ 사장은 “피해보상과 관련해서는 약정을 체결하면서 합의될 사항으로 가급적 빠른 보상이 이뤄지도록 하겠다”고 밝혔으며, 최병희 한국서부발전㈜ 가로림만 토건기술팀장은 “피해보상금을 사정하기 위해서는 최소 사계절을 조사해봐야 한다. 또한 그 이외의 절차도 수개월이 걸리므로 이 기간동안 시행사가 피해를 감소하기는 어렵다”며 “피해액수가 사정되기 전에 보상금을 지급할 수 없다. 대표단과 약정을 체결하면서 합의를 거쳐 문제를 해결해 보자”고 답했다.
조력발전소 건설에 따른 관광사업화와 이산화탄소 배출량을 줄이므로 발생하는 기업 인센티브의 지역사회환원 대한 질문도 이어져 박현씨는 “프랑스 랑스와 같이 조력발전소의 관광사업화 계획이 있는지 여부와 이산화탄소의 배출량을 줄이는 기업에 대해 정부의 인센티브를 지역사회에 환원할 계획이 있는지”를 물었다.
이에 서 사장은 “조력 발전소사업을 위해 한국서부발전㈜, 대우건설, 롯데건설, 포스코 등이 참여해 가로림만조력발전㈜ 법인을 설립했다”며 “이 가운데 롯데건설이 관광사업의 목적으로 사업에 참여했고 기본 계획(안)까지 마련된 것으로 알고 있다”고 답했다.
허나 “이산화탄소 배출량의 감소에 따른 기업 인센티브의 지역사회환원에 대해서는 대표단을 구성해 논의하자”고 덧붙였다.
한편, 이날 토론회의 소식이 전해지자 그동안 조력발전소 건설을 반대해 온 주민들과 환경단체 등이 찬성측을 비난하며 반발했다.
가로림만 조력발전 건설 백지화 추쟁위원회 박정섭씨는 “보상 몇 푼 받아야 몇 년이나 생활할 수 있겠냐”며 “다음세대 물려줄 소중한 재산을 밥 그릇 챙기자고 팔수는 없는 일이다. 환경을 지키는 것이 최우선”이라고 말했다.
이어 그는 “시행사는 보상금을 내세워 지역주민들을 현혹하고 있지만 보상금도 시행사가 고용한 용역조사 기관이 사정한 피해액”이라며 “조력 발전소 건설로 조상으로부터 물려받은 삶의 터전을 잃고 어민 생계에 지장을 줄 수 있는 점을 찬성하는 주민들이 알아줬으면 한다.”고 밝혔다.
서산, 태안환경연합 관계자도 “조력 발전소 건설에 찬성하는 것은 항구적 공익을 무시한 단기적 사익에 불가하다”며 “가로림만은 국내에 유일하게 남은 최대 갯벌지역으로 그 가치는 돈으로 값을 매길 수 없을 만큼 소중한 재산”이라고 주장했다.
또, “댐 건설로 인해 발생한 여러 문제점으로 인해 세계적으로도 댐 건설은 지양하고 있는 추세”라며 “하물며 발전량이 태안화력의 2.8%인 조력발전소 건설을 추진하는 것은 세계적인 웃음거리일 뿐”이라고 말했다.
이어 그는 “프랑스의 랑스와 같이 조력발전소 건설로 지역의 관광지화를 찬성측 주민들이 기대하고 있지만, 이는 국내 사정을 모르고 하는 말”이라며 “랑스는 이미 국제적인 휴양지로 유명해진 이후 필요해 의해 조력발전소를 건설한 것”이라고 밝혔다.
끝으로 그는 “조력발전소는 태안화력의 추가 증설을 위한 전초 단계로 사업이 실시될 경우 수 년안에 지역주민들은 화석연료 사용으로 인한 피해를 보게 될 것”이라며 조력발전소의 전면 백지화를 주장했다.
출처 : 가로림만 조력발전소 건설 찬반론 '재점화' - 오마이뉴스
[late submission- didn't realize that I missed the first blog post!]
ReplyDelete1. Young Hui Na
2. Brave leap towards ecological modernization plans
3. Although it is still short of the environmentalist expectations, Japan decided to voluntarily restrict its greenhouse gases, despite worries to the possible damage to its economy. It seems that Japan realized that the environment versus development debate will go on eternally in a parallel, and decided to take more aggressive yet wise plan to combine those two. Although the self-imposed strain will be burdensome at first, the plan will nonetheless make Japan a new pioneer for the ecologically sustainable future, since it is already intent to invest heavily on the relevant research. Despite much of the fallacies that Japan has committed in the past, the kind of decisive action that looks towards the future, which will undoubtedly place Japan once again as the pioneer of the world economy (as well as environment preservation), makes me envious.
4.TOKYO — Japan, a major emitter of greenhouse gases and an important player in the global warming debate, announced Wednesday that by 2020 it intended to reduce emissions 15 percent from 2005 levels — a goal immediately criticized as inadequate by environmentalists and industry officials.
ReplyDeleteClimate-change campaigners have called on Japan to set steep targets to build momentum before global climate talks this year in Copenhagen. A strong commitment by rich countries is seen as crucial to efforts to persuade emerging economic giants like China and India to make emissions reductions.
Japan’s new target, announced by Prime Minister Taro Aso in a televised news conference, would put its 2020 emission levels just 8 percent below its 1990 levels. That is not much more, environmentalists say, than the 6 percent cut by 2012 that Tokyo committed to under the Kyoto Protocol created in 1990. Japan has struggled to meet that target; its greenhouse gas emissions have risen 9 percent from 1990 levels.
Still, Mr. Aso called Japan’s new target “ambitious.”
“We are all responsible for stopping climate change,” Mr. Aso said. “We must ask the Japanese people to make sacrifices. That is the cost of saving our planet.”
Mr. Aso has been keen to assert leadership in climate change ahead of national elections this year.
The European Union has promised to cut emissions to a level 20 percent lower than levels in 1990, and by 30 percent if other wealthy nations follow suit.
In the United States, which did not sign the Kyoto pact, a bill that would reduce emissions by 17 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels recently cleared a Congressional panel. That would be about 6 percent below 1990 levels.
Japan emits less relative to its total output than other major economies. Though Japan has the second largest economy, behind the United States, it ranks fifth in global emissions rankings, trailing the United States, China, Russia and India.
But critics say there is more to be done.
“Japan’s target is not nearly enough to stop the effects of global warming,” said Naoyuki Yamagishi, the head of the climate change program at the environmental advocacy group WWF Japan. “Japan has failed to step up to its international responsibilities,” he said.
Kristian Tangen, a director at Point Carbon, a research and consulting company based in Oslo, said Japan’s goals were “the weakest target any country has pledged so far.”
ReplyDeleteJapanese businesses argue that their factories are already among the world’s most energy-efficient and that the country will struggle to cut greenhouse gas emissions further. Since the oil shocks of the 1970s, Japanese companies have pursued technologies that save energy, a drive that has made the country a leader in alternative energy.
Industry leaders also warn that stringent targets for emissions reductions would hurt the frail economy. Japan is in its worst recession since World War II, amid a collapse in global demand for its exports. Last month, industry groups took out a full-page advertisement in the largest daily paper in Japan, warning that steep targets for emissions reductions could hurt economic growth.
“The midterm targets need to be fair to all countries, realistic, and place equal burden on a country’s citizens,” the Keidanren, the largest business lobby in Japan, said in a statement on Tuesday. The lobby had backed a target that would have allowed for a 4 percent increase in emissions from 1990, or a 4 percent decrease compared with 2005.
Mr. Aso was quick to point out that unlike targets set under the Kyoto Protocol, which allowed countries to use emissions offsets and other methods, the 15 percent decrease would come from actual cuts. The government recently introduced subsidies that encourage the use of solar power in Japanese homes, as well as incentives on low-emission cars.
The 15 percent target, he stressed, was a compromise he had reached after consulting extensively with scientists and economists, as well as with members of the public.
To meet the target, Japan will pursue breakthroughs in environmental technology, as well as expand the use of nuclear energy. Mr. Aso has said Tokyo aims to expand solar output by a factor of 20 and put more “green” cars on Japanese roads.
Meanwhile, Mr. Aso said it was imperative for countries that had not signed the Kyoto Protocol, like the United States and China, to join in the next round of talks. The Kyoto pact covered countries responsible for just 29 percent of global emissions, he said.
Tsutomu Toichi, head of the Institute of Energy Economics, an independent research organization, said Japan would struggle to meet its new emissions goals.
“Japan’s target is a compromise, but it’s still a tough one for Japan to meet,” Mr. Toichi said. “Japanese companies are already extremely energy efficient, so there’s much less room for improvement.”
Makiko Inoue and Yasuko Kamiizumi contributed reporting from Tokyo; James Kanter contributed reporting from Brussels.
URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/11/world/asia/11emit.html?_r=1&ref=earth
ReplyDeleteEverybody is using comment space very nicely and largely.It looks like blog than review of reader.
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